New York City for Tourists, Again!

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. Why would anyone travel to the United States’ most visited location during the December holidays? I’m the ‘off the beaten track’ type, so this question crossed my mind several times last weekend. I’d traveled with four good friends who’d once all lived close to each other. Now, one … Read more

A Writing Room in Paradise

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. What makes a perfect writing room? Or better yet—an ideal writer’s house? Because I love rooms almost as much as books, this is a question I’ve pondered for years.  In my childhood in Minnesota, and during college in Baltimore, I could think of nowhere better to write than … Read more

From Solitude to Left Coast, Malice, and Edgars

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. One hundred years ago, only a science fiction writer could have dreamed that being a writer would involve much more than a pen, typewriter, and some paper. Bookstores would take care of selling one’s work, and there would be the occasional exciting invitation to lecture at a private … Read more

Staying Above Water

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. It takes just two tanks of gas to get the 1,100 miles between here and Southern Louisiana—and no tolls to pay, either. I know this because last week, I drove there with my husband to see his mother and brother and the rest of the family. Sharing the … Read more

A Breath of Fresh Air

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. What is it about wind at the shore? It’s the most soothing caress. When you add in the eternal sound of crashing waves, and an endless blue expanse of sea and sky… to me, that’s a perfect moment. I drove a few hours with my family to Lewes, … Read more

A Tiny Guessing Game

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. Can you guess the name of this building? Recent travels, lots of book Zooming, and the vines in my garden are conspiring to make me a trifle overwhelmed. But there is beauty in the chaos, and the world is opening up… truly it is. My eye was caught … Read more

An Adventure on Pali Hill

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. The first welcome I had in Pali Hill was from a rooster. I’d just entered my bedroom in the Airbnb rental. It was about three-thirty in the morning. As I put down my suitcase, exhausted after eighteen hours of flying and lots of airport waiting, a series of mournful … Read more

From India with love

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. I’m filing this on my last day of a wonderful three weeks in Mumbai. I was taking a walk through a shady, old-fashioned passageway in a typical 19th century shop building in the Colaba neighborhood. It was a delightful meander just steps from the historic Royal Bombay Yacht Club, … Read more

The Satapur Moonstone is Out and About

This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere. I’m thrilled to share the news that The Satapur Moonstone is finally in bookstores. My newest mystery novel was released last week as a hardcover in the US from Soho Press and as a Penguin India paperback for the Indian Subcontinent. This is the second Perveen Mistry novel in the new series I am writing. … Read more