This post originally appeared on Murder Is Everywhere.
Can you guess the name of this building?
Recent travels, lots of book Zooming, and the vines in my garden are conspiring to make me a trifle overwhelmed. But there is beauty in the chaos, and the world is opening up… truly it is.
My eye was caught by this magnificent urban building at sunset, and I wonder if anyone looking at the building will recognize it. Hint: it’s accessible by train. Leave your guess in the comments section.
P.S. If you are in the mood for some book banter on Thursday night (6/17/2021), I will be zooming FROM MY KITCHEN at 7 PM Central Standard Time. My interlocutor is the phenomenal historical fiction author Shauna Singh Baldwin and our host is the Boswell Book Company of Milwaukee. The link to join this live book talk in webinar format is here.